As a mental health therapist whose calendar is completely full, the crux of the issue for all of us is emotional safety, which is what our central nervous systems have evolved to seek. If we do not feel safe, no amount of logic or reason can alter that. Part of the problem is not simply misinformation, but how our brains are now processing the world around us. Our brains have not evolved to take in endless content from screens while we sit passively, disconnected from healthy sensory input and connection to others, which cannot occur virtually. Agitated brains are anxious brains and central nervous systems are left in perpetual flight or fight, until the system is overwhelmed into depression. The structures of our brains are literally being altered and primed to react, not engage critical thinking or effective problem-solving skills. If people engage with the actual, sensory world in meaningful ways, ie cleaning up a beach with a group of friendly volunteers for instance, then they can begin to tackle anxiety, depression, anger, rage and fear. If you feel unsafe and powerless because the outrage machine of social media tells you of all the 'dangers' around you, then you will crave the 'safety' of the bully autocrat who professes he will save you. We need to save our brains because calm brains can thoughtfully solve the world's ills.