I agree on that because I work in the field of adoption. What I’m pointing out is the disparity between men and women. A vasectomy is less invasive and reversible about 95% of the time while a tubal ligation is more invasive and reversible only about 80%. My point again is that women bear the brunt of reproductive. If men retain full bodily autonomy while women do not then they can abstain from sex entirely or have a vasectomy but we never expect men to sacrifice in ways women do. And as a doctor you understand all the potential medical complications a pregnancy can entail; I’ve worked with girls as young as 12 in foster care who are impregnated and too often the man responsible is not held to account. It’s time for men to be as angry as women are about the government taking away the rights of half the American population Again I’m not advocating vasectomy, but I do believe a man who cares about his partner would do everything possible to ensure his beloved is not vulnerable to imprisonment while his rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness remain protected under the Constitution.