Let’s Talk Adoption, Amy Coney Barrett!

Elaine Gilmartin
5 min readJul 28, 2022

Yes, You Can Attend Notre Dame Law School And Still be an Idiot

by Elaine Gilmartin

Towfiqu Barbhuiya

Since you seem to believe that pregnancy is just a minor inconvenience to be endured ‘cause, let’s face it, your slutty self got knocked-up, (that’s why they hate the story of the 10 year old rape victim because it ruins their narrative of blame) and that you can simply drop off that product of your ‘sin,’ I’ll give you just a little sampling, okay? I’m guessing your schedule to undermine American Democracy and impose Christian Fascism must be quite full, after all.

Here was my weekend as an Adoption Social Worker. A visit to a family trying to adopt twin sisters out of Haiti. This takes years. Not on Haiti’s side, that’s already done. U.S. immigration is the one that takes time. The family had to have people move the girls to a boarding school in the Dominican Republic last week because of the violence in Port-au-Prince. This couple doesn’t sleep well. Not that you would care.

A visit to an eleven-year old American girl in a pre-adoptive home. She attempted suicide for the third time this past spring. She just can’t shake the memories of her stepdad climbing those stairs night after night each time her mom left for her overnight shifts at Amazon. In case you can’t read between the lines, Amy, he wasn’t entering her…



Elaine Gilmartin

A therapist by profession, a runner by passion, a writer by necessity.