Elaine Gilmartin
6 min readOct 12, 2022



It’s time for a Little Re-Education

by Elaine Gilmartin

Flavia Jacquier

If I hear one more time that voters will swing Republican if they prioritize the economy and crime, I will scream. Various political pundits will bemoan the polls showing voters cite the economy as their primary consideration, crime not far behind, with abortion access of lesser importance for the midterms as if the Republican party has the corner market on economic growth.

Spoiler alert; they do not. Their plan is to re-take power, give hand-outs to the uber-wealthy and corporations while increasing taxes on the middle class, cutting social security and Medicare and, aspirationally, dealing a death blow to the federal estate tax. Wealth will simply be transferred to their entitled offspring.

So if your primary concern is the economy with crime not far behind, then what should be the main consideration when voting in the midterms? Hands-down, abortion access.

According to S & P Global, “Increased female labor force participation could accelerate U.S. GDP growth, adding a staggering $5.87 trillion to the global stock market in 10 years…in the United States, a modest increase in women in the workforce could add $511 billion to GDP over the next ten years.”



Elaine Gilmartin

A therapist by profession, a runner by passion, a writer by necessity.